
  • St. George Spirits Green Chile Vodka

    St. George Spirits Green Chile Vodka

    This vodka is madefrom a variety of California-grown hot and sweet peppers (jalapenos, Serranos, habaneros, red and yellow bell peppers) that build layers of sweet, savory heat. Lime peel and fresh cilantro add even more vibrancy and depth of flavor. ...

    $34.85 inc. Tax
    $31.50 ex. Tax
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  • Tip Top Espresso Martini (100ml can)

    Tip Top Espresso Martini (100ml can)

    KEEP THE PARTY GOINGGood news: you haven’t traveled back to the ‘90s. Better news: the Espresso Martini is back. Ours is strong and smooth, with a hint of vanilla. It boasts a delicious complexity from our coffee pals at Counter Culture. This is a drink...

    $6.91 inc. Tax
    $6.25 ex. Tax
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  • Ketel One, 375ml

    Ketel One, 375ml

    Prized for its smooth taste, Ketel One starts with the finest wheat and water. As the distillate is heated over a gentle, hand-stoked fire, the temperature and alcohol levels are regulated to ensure the best possible vodka

    $17.31 inc. Tax
    $15.65 ex. Tax
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  • Lvov


    Produced in Poland. Distilled from potatoes. 80 proof alcohol. 4 times distilled and 4 times filtered through an activated carbon process and candle process to give clarity and refinement. 100% gluten-free as strictly distilled from potatoes; not a grain...

    $20.91 inc. Tax
    $18.90 ex. Tax
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  • Fieldnotes Vodka

    Fieldnotes Vodka

    This simple corn vodka is versatile. It will complement your favorite bloody mary recipe, mixes well with just soda water or any other favorite vodka cocktail. We are sourcing most of our ingredients for our spirits right here in our own backyard from...

    $35.40 inc. Tax
    $32.00 ex. Tax
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